Errors and Warnings


Code style

Potential programming problems

多數時候,此區的 warning 檢核,可以彌補我們不足的單元測試案例。

Unlikely argument type for equals() : Info -> Warning

When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning when 'java.lang.Object#equals(Object)' is used with an argument type, that seems to be not related to the receiver's type, or correspondingly when the arguments of 'java.util.Objects#equals(Object, Object)' have types that seem to be not related to each other.

舉例:在原本程式中,this.format 是 String,所以沒有問題。

if ("twy/MM/dd".equals(this.format)) {
    return YYYMMDDUtils.insertSeparatorForce(valueStr, '/');
} else {
    return valueStr;

但後來若為API的擴充性,把 format 改為 Functional Interface,這時「Unlikely argument type for equals」就可以提醒我們此處有問題(如果沒有相對單元測試案例的話)。

private DateFormat format = () -> "twy/MM/dd";

// ....
boolean fooxxx (...) {
    if ("twy/MM/dd".equals(this.format.getFormat())) {
        return YYYMMDDUtils.insertSeparatorForce(valueStr, '/');
    } else {
        return valueStr;

PS: 此項檢查也對JDK8 的 Objects.equals(formatText, this.format); 有效;但對其它 3rd party 的函式庫如 ObjectUtils.equals(formatText, this.format); 無效。

TODO 未完待續...

results matching ""

    No results matching ""